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This certificate details the results of hearing protector testing

GJC Certificate No:     90502 Test Series: 164

Device Tested:             Insta-Mold – Feather Weight Personally Molded Earplugs

Manufactured By:      EARMOLD AUSTRALIA®

Date Tested:               11th to the 14th of May 2009

Description of Device Tested:

  • Day Glow Orange coloured personally molded medical
  • Grade silicone earplugs
  • Made from Insta-Mold Feather Weight medical grade silicone rubber material.
  • Material is syringed into the Concha and finished smooth and flat.
  • The Ear molds are then trimmed of excess material, buffed and coated with 2 coats of Insta-Seal Koter.

Note: Insta-Mold Feather Weight is available in 10 different solid colours.


This hearing protector device has been tested mechanically and its sound attenuation was measured in accordance with Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 1270-2002


Approved Equipment: CJC Certificate No: 90501

EARMOLD AUSTRALIA® earplugs use medical grade silicon, which is injected into an operator’s left & right ear canals & then removed after curing; each plug is then dipped into a silicone liquid before final curing.

Earplug Rating:

SLC80 Rating 28 Class 5

Approved to AS/NZS 1270–2002 Acoustics- Hearing Protection